Best Seasons to Visit

Spring Summer Fall

Available Amenities and Activities

Restrooms Available Parking Available Trails Available


Spring Lake Park consists of 22 acres of property with wetland boardwalks, picnic tables, restrooms and a fishing platform.  Eastern Phoebes, Northern Cardinals, Warbling Vireos, and Baltimore Orioles frequently nest near the picnic area.  Look for Yellow Warblers, Eastern Kingbirds, American Redstarts, and Common Yellowthroats along the boardwalks in the wetlands between Spring and Mud Lakes during the breeding season.  Many songbird species can be found in these wetlands and the surrounding trees during migration.  Continue up the biking trail, watching carefully for cyclist, and cross Konle Road to Mud Lake.  Along the trail, look and listen for Savannah and Swamp Sparrows.  Belted Kingfishers, Green Herons, and Merlins can frequently be seen in the trees along the lake.  Great Blue Herons and Sandhill Cranes are commonly located in the shallow marshes around the north portion of the lake.  The vegetation between the bike path and the lake will occasionally host singing Soras and Virginia Rails.  Also, look for Bald Eagles, Ospreys, and Red-tailed Hawks to fly over.

What’s Nearby

PetoskeyHarbor Springs

Notable Birds

Baltimore Oriole, Sandhill Crane, Ring-necked Duck, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern Kingbird, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Northern Cardinal, Bald Eagle, Merlin, Belted Kingfisher

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